Old School Ham radio

Old School Ham Radio

Back in the old days, you had to know morse code just to achieve the novice level.
since the digital age, many more formats and modes have been achieved.
Current license class with the fcc database is General class KA8POG.
Stay Legal with the band plan chart.  Remember the 1500-watt (ERP) effective radiated power law is for Hf bands. 
see the link for other power limits above through Arrl data. 

Been out of the hobby for a while but did manage to keep my license updated and recently learned about direwolf and purchased a Yaesu fdx 1200 for hf bands. 
Found whisper mode with the wsjtx software quite interesting.
I'm curious how many more in the united states have been inactive during the lockdowns or putting more time into home hobbies.

Soon in the Spring, I will be marine mobile, I've been working on a sailboat project to put all my radios in, looking for a trailer to haul it with capable of holding a 27-foot bristol coastal sailor or a sailboat rack to chain to a car hauler trailer. 
Either one will suffice, I've managed to get the rf part of APRs working with the raspberry pi board this 2022 year also while on my sailing adventures. 
more will be added about the open cpn software marine charts and Ais software that works on the Pi board in the future. 

comments and suggestions on DIY projects will be appreciated. 

On the Right of this page, you will find some of my favorite links updated often.

Just beginning crypto mining and experimenting with Multipsk and Fldigi software and more garage projects coming. 
Check out my youtube channel I do church songs too. 
Into crypto management buy and sell convert and trade, try these links.
I use Pionex grid bot Trader use the code P7SHvxcY for signup or use
Coinbase both United states sites and provides its own crypto wallet links.
both offer a bonus after the first deposit the signups are free.
Coinbase also offers a learning site that pays free crypto for watching the tutorial and answering the questions.

More of this will be offered on the Drink coffee with Phil post currently under construction.   You can still turn 1-10 percent profits in a stagnant market I suggest you get started today and hang on they call it hodling crypto.

Phillip Wymer (Ka8pog) 

Any comments or questions can be applied directly from this site and will be forwarded to my email thanks.   keep it clean wash it off or block it are the protocols used as well as ax25 rtty psk and more.   Stay G25 Classified.
Know much about open cpn navigation software stay tuned to these posts for more of the boards and setup I have designed for the sailboat.

contributions can be in either Bitcoin crypto to this wallet address 


or use my PayPal account paypal.me/unopimpo

More crypto ham radio and lots of links below

Don't forget to vote for your top-notch politicians in November 8,2022

Ham Radio Tech: How to Vote by Mail (ka8pog.blogspot.com)

Ham Radio Tech: Linux Distros for Mining Cryptocurrency – A Guide (ka8pog.blogspot.com)

Ham Radio Tech: THE BEST EXTERNAL GPU FOR YOUR LAPTOP COMPUTER (ka8pog.blogspot.com)

Crypto Mining With Raspberry Pi: A Guide

rapsberry Pi mining duino-coin

Mining Pool Stats

APRS I-Gate and Digipeater with Baofeng and RTL-SDR

Direwolf Packet modem aprs gateway packet modem git hub linux install

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 wrapping up the sailing season Great Lakes 2022 upon haul out the bottom paint appears good for another year. the weather turned so cold I ...